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Centrali micro ibride compatte per la generazione sostenibile di energia basate su eolico e solare

Azienda svizzera cerca investitori e partner per lo sviluppo e la commercializzazione di sistemi "plug & play" per la generazione di elettricità tramite la combinazione di turbine eoliche ad alta prestazione e pannelli solari montati su una struttura flessibile in legno, che può essere facilmente installata sui tetti delle case e dei edifici commerciali e permette la produzione di energia pulita verde in estate e in inverno, di giorno e di notte, anche in condizioni meteorologiche avverse.  


** segue testo originale **
The hybrid micro power plants developed by the Swiss company aim to offer the most effective way to become carbon neutral and energy self-sufficient. It combines wind and solar energy with the necessary technology in one device to generate green energy all year round. It can easily be installed on roof tops of buildings, like homes, farms and offices but also on a mast in wind-prone areas.

The solar panels are installed on a wooden static console, on top the Swiss company places a vertical axis wind turbine, and underneath the electronics that ensure an optimal electricity generation when the sun shines and/or the wind blows.

Target customers: The offer is uniquely positioned to reach a wide variety of customer segments:

  • Owners of building in wind-prone areas that want to generate own clean energy: home owners, farms, mountain restaurants and remote buildings
  • Large real estate / office owners who need to reduce their carbon footprint - Ski-resorts and others similar infrastructures that want to create a greener image
  • Gas stations on high ways that want to use green energy to fuel electric cars Other Sustainable Development Goals related aspects

The technology offers the opportunity to generate sustainable energy, to give access to internet, thus information and education and if equipped with integrated water treatment, to give access to clean water. 

Vantaggi / Aspetti innovativi

The main benefits in general are that the Swiss hybrid micro power plants can optimally generate green energy 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Product details Their innovative products combine sophisticated high performance wind dual turbines and state-of-the-art solar technology for alternative power generation. The turbine combines two physical principles for efficient wind power generation to enable a wide range of wind speeds. The wooden support structure - for the solar panels as well wind turbine - developed by the Swiss company and optimized for weight as well as stiffness, makes a positive CO2 contribution. The flexible mounting system of the solar panels allows a free choice of suppliers, dimensions and power. Also, the exchange of the panels in case of spare parts or a new system is thus problem-free ensured. Most of their products come ready to install from their warehouse. The product just needs to be lifted up the roof with a crane or lifting system, and connected to the

Proprietà industriale
Stadio di sviluppo
Non applicabile
Tipo di partnership
Investimento - Accordo commerciale, licenza, collaborazione tecnica
Tipo e dimensione del partner cercato
Grande azienda - PMI < 50 - PMI > 50 - Altro
Ruolo/ Contributo del partner cercato

The Swiss company is a scale-up that, engineers and assembles its products in Switzerland. In order to grow, they need distribution partners, invest in engineering and sales experts, and be able to deliver according to customer needs. Outside investors will help them deliver their goals faster. A second, or alternative, regional wind turbine supplier will also help them shorten the supply lead time and thus reduce cash stuck in transition.

The specific area of activity of the partner:
A) Wind technology development expertise
B) Distributor of renewable energy products
C) Investor in green technology start-ups/scale-ups
D) Regional producer of vertical axis wind turbines
The tasks to be performed by the partner sought:
Commercial agreement with technical assistance:
A) Distribution of the Swiss company products, but including adding their technical expertise
B) Supply of wind turbines from a European location, to be combined in their solution
Investment agreement:
C) Investment in the Swiss company for the 2023 investment round

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