Alessandro Pollini

Alessandro Pollini

Published on 30/01/2018

Published at 30/01/2018 at 09:34
Last update: 16/04/2019 at 11:17
Conversation image

Il design dei servizi per la Pubblica Amministrazione è legato allo sviluppo di modelli di interazione tra utenti finali, organizzazioni e PA per uno sviluppo di Smart City che sia effettivamente Smart, Sostenibile e inclusivo, per la persona, per la comunità, per le imprese e per la pubblica amministrazione, ovvero una smart community ancor prima che una Smart City.

Su questo approccio si pongono gli esempi di modello dell’esperienza dei cluster regionali e del progetto di piattaforma regionale Open Innovation. Piattaforme nei cui sistemi digitali si possono inserire lecitamente e efficacemente ecologie di Open Services per sistemi complessi quali ad esempio una rete di contatto e sostegno per la persona, strumenti di supporto tecnico e gestionale ad iniziative d’impresa, l’integrazione e lo sfruttamento delle risorse territoriali, la promozione e la strutturazione della comunità e del tessuto sociale, i percorsi di inserimento lavorativo e di auto-imprenditorialità.

Nel seguito dell’articolo (in lingua inglese) si sviluppa il concetto delle ecologie di servizi design-driven.

Services need today to be designed upon the whole ecology of institutions, companies, professionals, communities and customers which allow the service to exist and enact. Some of them offer services, others deliver the services, others belong to service providers, others join the service, others are touched somehow.

Services need to be drawn and made evolving on the basis of the structured and unstructured data coming from all the devices (i.e. social platforms, machines, production software etc) these actors interact with. Building data-driven service allows to give them a body of reference to exist, both in the creation and in the evolution of the services.

Services directly emerge from a co-creation act involving the provider and the user: only when people directly join the services, the services themselves come to an existence and people can truly recognize them (Bagnara, Pozzi 2015).

The face of the service appears to all the actors which, for professional or personal purposes, provide the service with information and data structure and gather benefit from it. The stakeholders may meet the services also by making distributed team of work emerge as limited to certain span of time, from raising and showing up to leaving. Other opportunities raise up from the connected chain which see raw materials owners, industry manager, logistics, retail and final customer connected. Customer mass-customization, logistics and retail joint communication strategy and customer engagement and advocacy are examples of that.

Data-driven services open the possibility to define added value in business and to understand how to make money of it. In order to work on a service ecology perspective, designers need to deepen the service context and the user experience created around the whole existence of the service (e.g. which are the contextual factors affecting users’ action, which are the other services in relation to the specific service considered).

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Digitalisation; 3D detection and virtual reality
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Fashion and Design
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