The Company

A2A is the largest Italian multiutility company that cares about people's quality of life and the future of the planet. The core elements of A2A's purpose - energy, water, and the environment - are the levers through which the Group aims to drive the transition towards an Ecological Transition that represents an opportunity for all.

With over 13,000 employees, A2A generated a turnover of €23.166 billion in 2022, an increase of 101% compared to the previous year. As a Life Company, A2A is committed to achieving the highest standards of quality and efficiency every day, thanks to a sustainable and circular value chain, in which all activities and services are aimed at supporting communities.

The services provided by the Group are focused on the pillars of the Strategic Plan, namely energy transition and circular economy, and include:

  • Energy: A2A is present throughout the energy value chain, from the production to the sale of electricity, gas, and services, to offering solutions for electric mobility.
  • Smart Infrastructures: Through its networks, A2A distributes electricity, gas, potable water, and district heating.
  • Environment: A2A takes care of territories with circular solutions, from urban hygiene to integrated waste management, to the recovery of materials and energy. A2A operates throughout the national territory.

Prize: The selected start-up will have the opportunity to initiate a Proof of Concept (PoC) with A2A.


The Waste WEE Challenge

New methods of collecting electronic waste (WEEE) by engaging the community to foster a virtuous relationship that encourages reuse and reduction of such waste

The Air Pollution Challenge

Innovative technologies for smart cities to reduce the level of air pollution in urban areas

The Sustainable Behavior Challenge

Promotion of sustainable behaviors through innovation in the consumption patterns of end-users.


  • March 1, 2023: MATCH I.S. company selection
  • April 10, 2023: company selection closing date
  • April 30, 2023 publication of the companies’ challenges
  • May 10, 2023: MATCH I.S. start-up selection
  • June 30, 2023: start-up selection closing date
  • July 15, 2023: communication with eligible start-ups
  • September 1, 2023: online meetings between start-ups and companies
  • October/November 2023: B2I "Investors Days" meetings dedicated to selected start-ups. The exact date will be communicated by September
  • December 2023: final event and awards ceremony