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Research Day, on 8/11 at La Scala, registration is open: book now

Free entrance to the R&I event with the winner of the “Lombardia è Ricerca” award. How to register

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

Registration is now open for the 2022 edition of Research Day, the event with which the Lombardy Region celebrates scientific excellence and the contribution of science and technology to economic and social development. 

Scheduled for 8 November at Teatro alla Scala in Milan, from 9.15 am to 12.30 pm, the Day is open to all stakeholders and members of the public.

Since 2017, the event has been organised by the Lombardy Region - in collaboration with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation - on the anniversary of the death of the oncologist and researcher.

The centrepiece of the day is the awarding of the “Lombardia è Ricerca” (Lombardy is research) International award, the €1 million prize that the Lombardy Region dedicates each year to a discovery with a positive impact on the lives of citizens in the Life Sciences macro-field.

For the 2022 edition, the theme of the Award is “Computer Science for safety, wellness, and sustainable growth”.

This year's winner, selected by an international jury of 15 top scientists, is Rosalind Picard from the USA, Director of the Affective Computing Research Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Media Lab.

How to register

Participation in the event at the prestigious venue of the Teatro alla Scala is free of charge, subject to availability.

To participate, you must register online.

You can book your free entrance ticket at the Award 2022 webpage: CLICK HERE.

A detailed programme of the event will be available shortly.

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