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English Next Generation - M6 - Eventi


Lift Lab Life Sciences& Biotech on 18th December

Opportunities for Healthy Aging: From Digital Technologies to new Health Service Models

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

On 18th December, the annual Lift Lab event will take place at SDA Bocconi.

Led by Anna Gatti, director of the lab, and inaugurated by Stefano Caselli, Rector of SDA Bocconi, this event is part of Mission 6 of the PNRR and will be an opportunity to present research projects on the digital landscape of the healthcare system, innovative models, from therapeutic advances to the evolution of telemedicine.

In addition, a round table on 'real experiences of implementing digital solutions' is also planned, with the participation of various representatives of industry and healthcare stakeholders.

Registrations to the present event LINK

Registrations to the online event LINK

Organiser: SDA Bocconi School of Management

Date and time: Monday 18 December 2023, 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Place: Auditorium Ferrero, Via Sarfatti, 10 – Milano

Annex: Program

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