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You can now take part in shaping the EU budget after 2027

The European Commission has launched 7 public consultations. Inputs will be summarised in a report

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

A Commission Communication outlining the key policy and budgetary challenges that will shape the next EU long-term budget is now available. The long-term budget - known as the Multiannual Financial Framework – sets out the EU’s spending priorities for several years. It supports millions of people, farmers, researchers, businesses and regions across the EU and beyond. The next long-term budget will take effect in January 2028

EU countries, businesses and citizens need to reconsider the way the EU budget works to make it fit for the future. To continue to support a free, democratic, secure, prosperous and competitive Europe, the long-term budget needs to be simpler, more impactful, and more targeted. 

The new approach for a modern EU budget should include: 

  • a plan for each country with key reforms and investments, designed in partnership with national, regional, and local authorities 
  • a European Competitiveness Fund that will establish an investment capacity to support strategic sectors and critical technologies 
  • financing for external action that is more impactful, targeted and aligned with strategic interests 
  • additional safeguards protecting the rule of law.

The Commission is now inviting all Europeans to have their say on the next budget and the policies it should support, ahead of presenting a formal proposal in July 2025. It has started a series of public consultations that will remain open until May 2025.

The Commission will summarise inputs received in a synopsis report, explaining how it has taken them into account. Feedback received will be published on this site.

Here the links to the public consultations:

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