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ImageTitlePublished ByPublish fromEnd date of publicationStateCategory 
Image for the news“Startup innovative”: il 21/1 un evento digitale con “istruzioni per l’uso”Redazione Open Innovation17/01/2025NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsClean Hydrogen Parnership: aperto il bando 2025 da 184 milioniRedazione Open Innovation17/01/2025NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsDella Torre (UniMI): “Twin transition, tecnologie e competenze nelle imprese”Redazione Open Innovation16/01/2025NeverPublishedNext Generation - M4 - Approfondimenti
Image for the newsDa Regione 40 milioni a progetti di partenariati su Tecnologie strategicheRedazione Open Innovation16/01/2025NeverPublishedBandi
Image for the newsINDUSAC: Call for students and researchers to solve real-world challengesRedazione Open Innovation15/01/2025NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsSIMPLER NEWSStaff Open Innovation15/01/2025NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsLGCA NEWS 14.01.25Silvia Lepore15/01/2025NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsIl Tour Atenei di Regione Lombardia chiude il 16/01 al Politecnico di MilanoRedazione Open Innovation15/01/2025NeverPublishedTour Atenei
Image for the newsPMI, il 15/1 apre il bando per favorire competenze digitali e greenRedazione Open Innovation14/01/2025NeverPublishedBandi