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Image for the newsLavoro, ecco il Piano Nuove Competenze - Transizione previsto dal PNRRRedazione Open Innovation25/06/2024NeverPublishedNext Generation – M5 - News
Image for the news"Missione Innovazione" in Giappone, opportunità per PMI, bando apertoStaff Open Innovation25/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsTalking about AI, digital techs and knowledge: in streaming on Thursday 27 JuneRedazione Open Innovation25/06/2024NeverPublishedEnglish
Image for the newsDigital Library: fino al 3/7 la gara per digitalizzare le opere graficheRedazione Open Innovation24/06/2024NeverPublishedNext Generation – M1 - News
Image for the newsScopri il Report “Science, Research and Innovation Performance of the EU 2024”Redazione Open Innovation24/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the news“Conversazioni sull’Intelligenza Artificiale”: il 24/6 un evento AssolombardaRedazione Open Innovation21/06/2024NeverPublishedNext Generation - M1 - Eventi
Image for the newsPiano Transizione 5.0: finanziare le azioni a sostegno della Sostenibilità e della CompetitivitàCAMILLA PADOVAN21/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsTowards reusable vehicles for Space: new thermostructures and digital modelsRedazione Open Innovation21/06/2024NeverPublishedEnglish
Image for the newsVIDEO Bontempi (UniBS): “Ecomateriali centrali per l’innovazione sostenibile”Redazione Open Innovation20/06/2024NeverPublishedNext Generation - M4 - Approfondimenti