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ImageTitlePublished ByPublish fromEnd date of publicationStateCategory 
Image for the newsIl PR FESR 2021 - 2027 e le sue opportunità il 26/6 fanno tappa a BresciaRedazione Open Innovation20/06/2024NeverPublishedPr Fesr 2021 - 2027
Image for the newsIl 21/6 l’Info day Horizon Europe – Cluster 3 “Civil Security for Society” Redazione Open Innovation19/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsLife Science, il 24-25/6 in Bicocca scopri due nuove piattaforme CNRRedazione Open Innovation19/06/2024NeverPublishedNext Generation - M4 - Eventi
Image for the newsIl 5/7 segui gli Stati Generali dell’Intelligenza Artificiale in RegioneRedazione Open Innovation18/06/2024NeverPublishedLombard-IA
Image for the newsIl 21-22/6 a “Futura Colloquia” le sfide di economia e transizione energetica Redazione Open Innovation18/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsESPON2030 per i territori: come seguire in streaming l’incontro del 18/6Redazione Open Innovation17/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsMedicina personalizzata, il 19/6 scopri il laboratorio Unimi PRINTMED 3DRedazione Open Innovation17/06/2024NeverPublishedPlatform
Image for the newsIl 17/6 in streaming “Digital Transformation, l’era dell’Intelligenza Artificiale”Redazione Open Innovation14/06/2024NeverPublishedNext Generation - M1 - Eventi
Image for the newsEarthCARE satellite will study role of clouds and aerosols in Earth’s climateRedazione Open Innovation14/06/2024NeverPublishedEnglish