Regional law no. 29 of 23 November 2016 "Lombardy Is Research and Innovation" aims to foster, support and promote the Research and Innovation ecosystem of the Lombardy Region. It is a concise text, made up of just eight articles that concretely eliminate redundant bureaucracies and guarantee a certified timing. An important element is the matching of Business, which needs an innovative push, with the world of Research, which together can provide the necessary know-how and human capital to drive local growth and employment.


  • Three-Year Strategic Programme
    The three-year strategic programme for research, innovation and technology transfer is the key element of all the regional interventions foreseen for the 2018-2020 period. The definition and implementation of the programme is entrusted to the Steering Committee, through direct involvement with the actors of innovation and the tool for public consultation.
  • Multidisciplinary Steering Committee
    The Multidisciplinary Steering Committee has the task of coordinating all the regional policies concerning research, innovation and technology transfer through the "Three-Year Strategic Programme" so that there are no more individual initiatives but rather concerted actions, the result of an overall vision.
  • Regional Forum for Research and Innovation
    Independent body - with consultative, propositional and informative functions - composed of 10 experts in scientific, social and humanistic disciplines with a proven experience on the impact that innovations have on people's lives, selected through an international public procedure.
  • Research Day
    Scheduled for 8 November and named after Umberto Veronesi to reward researchers and companies that have distinguished themselves in research and innovation.


  • Research Agreements
    Funded with a 106 million euro block grant (from the resources of the POR FESR 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Action I.1.b.1.3 "Support for collaborative R&D activities for the development of new sustainable technologies, new products and services"), through negotiation agreements between the Lombardy Region and other public or private entities, the "Research Agreements" aim to foster the development of research and innovation projects with a high impact on the investments made, the partnership involved and the competitiveness of the territory. A total of 32 projects were financed by the Lombardy Region with this measure.