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Produttore sloveno di cosmetici vegani per capelli cerca distributori

Azienda slovena che produce cosmetici vegani per capelli è alla ricerca di distributori/rappresentanti per le principali catene di farmacie e negozi di cosmetici specializzati in Europa e di fornitori di ingredienti / partner industriali


Slovenian start-up is part of the project ''Startaj Slovenija'' 2022. The project was created under the auspices of three partners - retail chain Spar Slovenia, media house POP TV and PRO PLUS and advertising agency Formitas. The company developed their products which are vegan, minimal locally produced hair cosmetics. Why was it created? Due to the lack of suitable, gentle, efficient products on drugstore shelves, especially for people with curls and waves. Most curly hair products are purchased online, and the high prices can be an issue for many. How did customers in Slovenia react to the product? The response was highly positive; most clients returned for the new purchase. During the week of their TV show, they exceeded sales expectations by double, where an average of 227 pieces were sold daily

Vantaggi / Aspetti innovativi

Both of their products are based on natural and gentle CGM-approved ingredients. Both creams / leave-in conditioners leave hair moisturized, flexible and nourished without harsh chemicals. Nourishing creams are leave-in, saving users time because it's unnecessary to rinse them out. It can be used as an alternative to a hair conditioner, or it can be used as an additional care product in a hair routine.

Proprietà industriale
Brevetto concesso
Stadio di sviluppo
Sul mercato
Tipo di partnership
Accordo commerciale, licenza, collaborazione tecnica
Tipo e dimensione del partner cercato
Grande azienda - Microimpresa - PMI < 50 - PMI > 50
Ruolo/ Contributo del partner cercato

They are currently searching for commercial distribution services and potential raw cosmetic materials/ingredients suppliers.

Documenti allegati
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