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Chemistry: S3-CHEM brings together 7 EU regions for Research & Innovation

Find out about the project, which held its partners meeting in Milan last May

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

S3-CHEM (Smart Chemistry Specialisation Strategy) is an INTERREG Europe project that brings together seven regions that are deeply involved in innovation and research in the chemical sector, i.e. Lombardy, Asturias, Catalonia, Limburg, Mazoviam Saxony-Anhalt and Wallonia.

S3-CHEM’s objective is to examine the best practices used in the Smart Specialization Strategies of the partner regions with a focus on issues related to chemistry, green chemistry and the bioeconomy.

Last May, the partner meeting was held in Milan, which also provided an opportunity to visit the CAP Group’s Niguarda - Bresso wastewater treatment plant, as part of the final phase of the project aimed at updating the results through a joint analysis by the chemical sector in the post-pandemic setting.

Chemistry has proved itself to be a resilient sector, in which innovation can have a major impact on various important industrial sectors, and can help meet significant social challenges in terms of new materials, energy and alternative raw materials.

During the meeting, the project partners, their stakeholders, and the representatives of the EU and the ECRN/S3 Platform Chemicals network, highlighted the importance of the chemical sector in the Smart Specialisation strategies of all seven regions.

In particular, the good practices implemented by the partner regions to support companies in the chemical sector, both during the pandemic and in the changed post-emergency context, have been defined.

For further information on S3-CHEM and its results, please see the project web pageCLICK HERE.

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