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MATCHIS: Landlease and A2A challenges, apply now for your startup

From 10 May to 30 June 4 Challenges for social innovation solutions have been opened: find out more

Redazione Open Innovation

Redazione Open Innovation

The four innovation challenges launched by A2A and Landlease are now online, as part of MATCH I.S., the Lombardy Region and Finlombarda S.p.A. initiative to promote exchanges between large companies and startups and thus foster social innovation, including through new financing methods.

National and international startups can apply from 10 May.

Selected startups will have the opportunity to work with the promoters to test the proposed innovative solutions.

For the Landlease and A2A challenges, the deadline for startup applications is 6 pm on 30 June 2023.

And here are the innovations the promoters are looking for.

Data collection and interpretation

Landlease, a leading international real estate group entrusted with the management of MIND - Milan Innovation District in partnership with Arexpo, is looking for a technological solution to collect and interpret data for a future food court in the MIND area (formerly Expo), in a temporary structure. From the number of people who could use this catering service to the times of greatest attendance, to the areas of the district from which the greatest demand comes.

The winning startup will be offered:

  • an experimentation test bed with the opportunity to implement physical construction and monitoring in the short to medium term;
  • the opportunity to present their project to the MIND ecosystem.

To download the Guidelines and submit your application go to webpage dedicated to Landlease's challenge with MATCH I.S..

New solutions for the Energy Transition

A2A, Italy's largest multi-utility company, calls for innovative solutions to promote the Energy Transition.

The three selected startups - one for each challenge - will have the opportunity to launch a PoC (Proof of Concept) with A2A.

Here are the three challenges:

  • WEEE waste: new collection methods and reuse incentives. Learn more and join this Challenge, click here
  • Air pollution: A2A seeks cutting-edge technologies that can reduce polluting emissions - both direct and indirect - in cities. Learn more and join this Challenge click here
  • Sustainable behaviour: startups are invited to propose new business models and solutions to innovate user consumption, in particular energy consumption, making it more sustainable. Learn more and join this Challenge click here.

These and other challenges are available on this platform in the section dedicated to Open Challenge, the Lombardy Region's initiative to bring together supply and demand of innovation through the publication of “challenges” by national and international companies.

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