"Lombardy is Research"


The Prize

The International Prize "Lombardy is Research" is
a 1 million euro award that the Lombardy Region grants to discoveries, research, or inventions of high scientific and technological value, associated with significant advancements in medicine, engineering, and science, with a high translational impact and the potential to be translated into new products, services, or policies for the benefit of people.

30% of the Prize goes to the scientist(s) to whom the winning discovery is attributed, while the remaining 70% is allocated to support research projects related to the winning discovery. These projects are conducted by research and knowledge dissemination organizations, both public and private, in Lombardy (Italy). Additionally, the funds may be used to support young researchers through doctoral scholarships or research grants related to the winning discovery, to be implemented in collaboration with universities in Lombardy.

the prize

€1 million

The selection


the jury

15 Top scientists

Areas of Interest

The 2024 edition of the International Prize "Lombardy is Reaserch" is dedicated to the “Life Sciences”.

It will be awarded to discoveries of high scientific and technological value in the following areas of interest:

- New frontiers of medicine, including personalized medicine and the development of innovative models of care, therapy, and prevention;

- Research in Science that transcends traditional boundaries, leading to exceptional advancements in biology, chemistry, physics, and beyond;

- Technological advancements in different engineering and science disciplines, such as (but not limited to) artificial intelligence, robotics, new materials, and nanotechnology;

- Sustainability, environmental and social advancement, such as research on renewable energy, climate change, and global health.


The applications for the International Award closed on August 31, 2024.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact:


The Jury

The evaluation of nominations is entrusted to an International Jury composed of 15 top scientists identified through the Scopus system among members with the highest H-index in the following thematic areas:
Carl June, the winner of the VI edition of the International Award "Lombardy is Research" and Director of Translational Research at the Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania (USA), joins the jury.
For the 2024 edition, the Jury of the Prize is composed as follows:
3 Biomedical Research
2 Clinical Medicine
1 Biology
1 Chemistry
2 Engineering
2 Physics & Astronomy
2 Earth & Environmental Sciences


Pier Paolo Di Fiore

Full Professor of General Pathology, University of Milan


Thomas Südhof

Professor of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Stanford University


Melino Gennaro

Director of the Department and Full Professor of Biochemistry, University of Tor Vergata Rome


Silvia Franceschi

Scientific Director, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico di Aviano


Silvia G. Priori

Full Professor and Director of the Cardiology Department, ICS Maugeri, Pavia


Paola Bonfante

Honorary Professor of Botany, University of Turin


Jose M. Kenny

Professor and Director of the Center for Materials Science and Technology, University of Perugia

Pierre Baldi

Professor and Director of Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, University of California Irvine


Rosalind Picard

Director Affective Computing Research Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Hamid Reza Karimi

Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano


Matsuura Takeshi

Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Ottawa


Dario Bisello

Full Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pavia


Patrizia Caraveo

Director, Institute for Space Astrophysics Milan


Markku Kulmala

Head of Division of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Helsinki


Frank Dentener

Senior Expert, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, Ispra (Varese)


Carl June

Director of Translational Research at the Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania